Inspired by a recent post by Philadelphia PR Brendan Shank outlining what not to do and more not what to do’s for a press release, we want to take it one step further and dissect what an SEO will do to a press release once it has done the rounds. Let me preface this by… Continue reading
Gylne Tider – Let It Be
Can’t get over the stars they were able to gather for this video.
Know Where to Get Those Images
It’s one of those things. Like downloading music, there was once a sense that you could simply get it for free. Of course you still can but it’s become more apparent that now, with an ever-increasing ability to track and protect these items, the risks are great. There are also more services available that give… Continue reading
Google Instant Taps into our Short Attention Spans
Today Google rolled out their Google Instant Search results which, in a nutshell, reveals more search results based on every letter you type into their search box. This realtime stream of results yields a flurry of activity on the page below while you busily type your search term. Users have to be logged in to… Continue reading