It always baffles a person like me as to how these things become issues. Net neutrality (or Network Neutrality as it is often referred) offers equal access to all users. It prohibits network and telecommunication giants from interfering or altering traffic on the Internet. The issue is that large telecommunication companies have been lobbying Congress… Continue reading
POST CATEGORY : Its all Flemo
IE7 stinking up my computer
I jumped on the new IE7 Beta when it first came out with few problems but lately, have been having significant issues with it and as a result haven’t used it for a while, instead turning to Opera and Firefox. While a long time user and fan of Firefox, I have very quickly become a… Continue reading
Geeky Search Stats
I often peruse Google’s zeitgeist. This offers a little insight into search trends, covering most searched terms in the US and around the world. Geeky, I know. A more comprehensive list has once again been compiled at Google Blogoscoped by collecting a list of the top words used online. Not too many surprises in the… Continue reading
Not a Webby nominee?!?
The Webby Awards are kind of like the Academy Awards for the Web and they’re in their 10th year of featuring the so-called best of the web. Keep in mind that these are not necessarily websites that are popular, well designed, offer great examples of usability but are more about creativity and skills. Surprisingly,… Continue reading